Currently, MIMS consists of three major components:
The Framework contains a tool for visualizing and specifying air quality model grids called the Grid Family GUI. Air quality modelers should find this tool to be very useful. The Framework and the Analysis Engine are written in Java and are distributed as a single package. However, each piece can be used independently. The most recent version of the MIMS Java code and distribution is available at Separate scripts are included for running the Framework, Analysis Engine, and Grid Family GUI.
A first official release of the analysis engine was made on October 29, 2004. For more information on the analysis engine, see the following documents:
The Spatial Allocator is written in C and is distributed by the Carolina Environmental Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The most recent version of the Spatial Allocator code is available at A project is underway from October 2004 through June 2005 to implement some upgrades to the Spatial Allocator. After this project is complete, the Spatial Allocator will be able to produce most of the standard 60+ surrogates that are currently used by EPA. It will also be able to do other types of spatial allocation such as grid to county, grid to grid, and aggregation.
For more information on MIMS, please see the official EPA MIMS web site at
To download the Framework (including the Analysis Engine), see the MIMS Download Page
To download the Spatial Allocator see the Carolina Environmental Program Spatial Allocator Page at
For information on how to submit bug reports or feature requests, please see the MIMS Support Page
The MIMS SourceForge Project Page is available at Use this page to submit and query bug reports, feature requests (RFEs), and toobtain other information about the project.
A tutorial for running SMOKE and CMAQ in the MIMS Framework is available from the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center at
A tutorial for using the Analysis Engine is available by clicking here. This tutorial should work with the latest version of MIMS.